Pain Free Dental Care in Pasadena, TX

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Oral Sedation for Pain Free Dental Care

Does the thought of going to the dentist put butterflies in your stomach? You’re not alone. Dental anxiety keeps many patients from seeking essential care every year. But thankfully, with a solution known as sedation dentistry, overcoming anxiety and receiving the help you need is possible.

Nitrous oxide is a gas that’s breathed in through a special mask worn for the entirety of the patient’s procedure. It works quickly to create feelings of peace and relaxation and is an excellent choice for those who struggle with mild to moderate anxiety. In addition to working quickly, it wears off quickly as well so you can easily return to your normal activities after your appointment.

Oral sedation works using a special prescription taken by the patient prior to his or her procedure. Sometimes oral sedation is used in combination with nitrous oxide, or it may be used by itself. Because the effects of oral sedation take time to wear off, anyone using oral sedation will need to have a friend or family member drive them home afterward.

Contact our Pasadena, TX dental office if you have questions about our sedation options or would like to schedule an appointment with our friendly, compassionate dental team.